
  1. The most frequent injuries among runners. What are they and how to treat them?

    Running is in fashion, to the point that it has become the most popular sport today, and the proof is that the number of people who take part in popular races and marathons continues to increase each year.

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  2. OXD products to maximise treatment efficacy and patient satisfaction in physiotherapy

    To get the desired results, it is essential for the physiotherapist to have both the knowledge and tools necessary to carry out professional treatments

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  3. What is the difference between relaxation massage and professional physiotherapy massage?

    Massage is a therapy used worldwide for the treatment and prevention of many different conditions. Nowadays, you can find a wide variety of different types of massage, each designed to satisfy a series of needs.

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  4. Why choose an oily cream for professional massages?

    Is there a way to improve the professional massage experience and make it more effective? Is there a way to make the experience more comfortable for the patients and more effective for the physiotherapists?

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  5. The importance of empathy in physiotherapy treatments

    Physiotherapy is no longer limited to the professional use of techniques and treatments. In the 21st century, a physio must be the bridge between science and people.

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  6. How can physiotherapy help with headaches and neck pain?

    We have all experienced a headache or neck pain at some point. These pains are two of the most common complaints affecting the general population. And they are no doubt one of the most recurring reasons for which your patients visit your clinic.

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